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Earth history and the Ancient texts

Summary of the Newsgroup discussion

This page contains my posts in the sci.geo.geology newsgroup and later responses to the comments. I have edited some of the posts to improve the clarity.

Initial post on 29 March 2001

Earth history and the Ancient texts

Even though the Earth was formed around 4500 million years ago (Ma), plate tectonics started around 2800 Ma with the breakup of a super landmass, possibly the first Supercontinent. From then six complete Supercontinent cycles happened on the Earth and the seventh cycle started with the breakup of the Pangaea around 250 Ma. My hypothesis relates the snowball Earth events or global ice ages with the formation of Supercontinents. Breakup of the Supercontinent thaws the ice age and floods the continental regions and causes a major mass extinction.

Seven Earths: Ancient Hebrew texts described about the past six Earths and the present as the seventh Earth. A salty and fresh ocean separated each Earth with another. Global deluge occurred in the beginning of the Seventh Earth is the same salty and fresh ocean separated each Earth. From these descriptions it appears that each Earth is a single Supercontinent cycle. Even the description of the environments on these Earths appears to be coinciding with the relevant Supercontinental periods.

Seven Karshvars: Ancient Zoroastrian texts described the Karshvars as concentric circles and the present Karshvar - Hvaniratha as the seventh one. An ocean separated each Karshvar from another. These descriptions also appear to be of Supercontinent cycles. Sedimentary layers of each Supercontinent cycle forms above the previous one.

Manvantara cycles: Ancient Indian Vedic texts described about the past six Manvantara cycles and the present as the seventh cycle. It was also mentioned that in the beginning of each cycle a global deluge occurs on the Earth. Each Manvantara cycle lasts for approximately 308 million years. Even though there is a difference in time between Manvantara and the Supercontinent cycle, the description definitely appears to be of Supercontinent cycle.

Ancient civilizations appear to be familiar with the past history of the Earth where the present science is trying to realize. My hypothesis not only explains the past history of the Earth in a unified way but also raises questions about many established concepts in other fields of science.

Complete hypothesis:

Karunakar Marasakatla

Comment: Ancient cultures were not aware of many other concepts.

Response: I just gathered the beliefs of ancient cultures and compared them with my hypothesis. I am not interested in other concepts of any ancient culture. I thought of mentioning these ancient stories along with my hypothesis because of the similarity and relevance to the Earth history. Striking similarities between the history of the Earth and the beliefs of ancient cultures signifies the scientific basis of these cultures. As we progress towards the complete realization of earth history, these cultures may surprise about their scientific basis, but it will be a shock to the scientific community.

Comment: There's no trace of terrestrial life around those periods.

Response: Continental rifting and the superplume causes a severe global warming. Rapid melting of the ice sheets inundates the continental regions, not necessarily the whole continents. Mass extinction is the result of anoxic oceans in the global ice age period and also the result of global warming caused by the breakup of the Supercontinent.

Check the reference: Geochemical evidence for terrestrial ecosystems 2.6 billion years ago, Nature 408, 574-578, 30th November 2000.

This is a clear indication to the colonization of continents after the first breakup of the crust around 2800 Ma. I don't think we will ever find any trace of terrestrial ecosystems beyond 2800 Ma.

Comment: All the similarities between the cultures are the result of a common history.

Response: The similarities I am talking about are between my hypothesis and the beliefs of these ancient cultures. I am not comparing the beliefs of these cultures with one another. The similarities could be because of the common history of these civilizations but the emphasis here is about the vast knowledge of the Earth in those ancient writings and the concepts and methodologies involved in determining the past history of the Earth by these ancient cultures.


Earth history and the Ancient texts

Even though there wasn’t much discussion on this subject, I like to formally end this thread with few notes.

There is evidence for the occurrence of global ice ages with the Supercontinent formations in the Earth's history. There is also strong evidence to the occurrence of six complete Supercontinent cycles and the present is the seventh cycle. The same fact was somehow observed by the ancient cultures. We can’t even explain using the present concepts in science about how they arrived at that conclusion. It is difficult to imagine an advanced state of thought parallel to our times in the Stone Age or Bronze Age period. Evolutionary biology proclaims that humans developed through time from the Stone Age period.

Science appears to be the base of ancient cultures. Future findings may again lead us towards that unification of science and culture.

Thanks to everybody participated in this discussion.

Karunakar Marasakatla

Last modified on 25th June, 2001.

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